Friday, 5.17.2019

Narodni Dom Maribor

Ulica kneza Koclja 9, Maribor

Up to 400 dancers

Venue Size


Dancing surface

Reverent Juke & The Coquette Jazz Band


  • Time: 21.00 - 5.00
  • Enterance fee: 30 € (tickets at the door)

History of Narodni Doma Maribor

Narodni dom is a monumental Neo-Renaissance palace build in 1898, according to architectural plans of Czech architect Jan Vejrych. It stands in the city center of Maribor between Kneza Koclja Street, Street Slovenske Osamosvojitve, eastern from the main city square and northern from Lent. The building itself it still has a strong character of the cultural center and it is one of the main cultural and event institutions in the city.

At the beginning Narodni dom was a symbol of Slovene in at that time mostly German city. Because of numerous Slovene institutions, which had their headquarters in the city and very diverse events it was a center of political, economical and cultural life of mostly northern Styrian Slovenes. Narodni dom as the most important cultural and political center has also played an important role in maintaining self confidence and national identity Slovenians in Styria. For all of this reasons the building has a very high value for Maribor and for Slovenia in general and it represents one of the highlights of historicist architecture in Slovenia.

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